Venue: Wedlake Bell LLP, 52 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4LR (Host: Edward Craft)
ICAEW Paper – Audit-Insight-Cyber-Security
Website links:
Cyber Security – What small businesses (inc supply chain) need to know
Cyber-Security Information Sharing Partnership
FRC – Risk Management, Internal Control and the Going Concern Basis
FCA CP13/15 – Feedback on CP12/25; Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Listing Regime
FRC Draft Plan & Budget 2014/5
FRC encourages better comply or explain disclosure and improved investor transparency
NAPF: Corporate Governance Policy & Voting Guidelines (for information only)
QCA Response to FRC's Exposure Draft – Guidance on the Strategic Report
QCA Response to ICAS – Balanced and Reasonable paper
QCA Response to FRC's Directors Remuneration Consultation Document