Tax Expert Group
Our Tax Expert Group campaigns to introduce measures that encourage investment in the small and mid-sized quoted company sector and reduce the tax burden and the complexity of the tax system.
The group is currently working on/responsible for:
- The publication and maintenance of the QCA’s Budget Representation to HM Treasury
- Monitoring and influencing developments within the tax system on areas such as tax treatment, reliefs and incentives
- Engaging regularly with key Government departments, regulators and other industry bodies, including HM Treasury, HMRC, the Office of Tax Simplification
Tax Expert Group Members
Tax Expert Group Chair
Elissavet Grout Travers Smith
Tax Expert Group Deputy Chair
Ian Shaw Korn Ferry
Zoe Andrews Slaughter and May
Colin Askew Eversheds Sutherland
Edward Brown Grant Thornton UK LLP
Mathew Creevy KPMG LLP
Colin Askew Eversheds Sutherland
Edward Brown Grant Thornton UK LLP
Mathew Creevy KPMG LLP
Madeleine Gowlett Travers Smith
Caroline Harwood BDO LLP
Liz Hunter Mishcon de Reya
Emma Locken Crowe UK LLP
Caroline Harwood BDO LLP
Liz Hunter Mishcon de Reya
Emma Locken Crowe UK LLP
Tom Wilde Shoosmiths LLP
Published Responses
QCA response to HM Treasury and DWP – Unlocking the UK pension market for growth
QCA response to HM Treasury and DWP - Unlocking the UK pension market for growth
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