Our Conference Growth in Troubled Times (sponsored by Winterflood Securities Limited and supporting sponsors ISDX and Jordans) is taking place on Thursday 9 June 2016 at the Grange St Paul's Hotel in London. The afternoon breakout sessions have just been announced and include:
Topic 1: What you should stop doing to improve your shares' liquidity – This session will outline the basics on how your company's shares are traded in the stock market, with particular focus on small and mid-size quoted companies.
- Chair: Claire Noyce, Chief Executive Officer, Hybridan
- Gareth Henderson, Senior Market Maker, Winterfloods Securities – The role of the Marker Maker
- David Smith, Manager: Trading, Market Management & Development, London Stock Exchange – The differences between markets and trading systems
- Jasper Barry, Head of Institutional Sales, WH Ireland – The role of the broker in helping companies attract investment
Topic 2: How to sleep better at night: corporate reporting practices to avoid destroying your reputation – This session will highlight the importance of corporate reputation and what companies can and should be doing to preserve it.
- Chair: Alan Newman, Finance Director, YouGov plc
- Philippa Foster-Back CBE, Director, Institute of Business Ethics – The role of culture and governance in helping to prevent corporate reputational damage.
- Will Pomroy, Manager, Responsibility, Hermes Investment Management
- Anna Colban, Project Manager, Financial Reporting Council
Topic 3: Why you should care: Directors' know how about upcoming changes – This session will tell you what you need to know about regulatory changes and how they could have a significant impact on your business if you don't deal with them now. There will be an opportunity for attendees to quiz a panel of experts and find out what to do to reduce the impact on their businesses of key rule changes such as MiFID II, the Market Abuse Regulation and the Register of People with Significant Control (PSC).
- Chair: Michael Higgins, Chairman, Quoted Companies Alliance and Ebiquity plc
- Stuart Andrews, Head of Corporate Finance, FinnCap – Explaining MiFID II and what company directors need to know
- Victoria Younghusband, Partner, Charles Russell Speechlys – What impact Market Abuse Regulation has on companies
- Debbie Farman, Director of Legal Practice, Jordans Corporate Law Limited – What your company needs to do for the PSC Register
See the full agenda for the day and book your place here
Please note the sessions and speakers are subject to change.The Quoted Companies Alliance reserves the right to alter any part of this schedule without prior notice.