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In March, the City of London published a report, The City’s Role in Providing for the Public Equity Financing Needs of UK SMEs, that explores the importance of SMEs to the UK economy and the barriers to equity funding for SMEs.

The report makes 10 recommendations to help fill the equity gap for SMEs, including:

  • Research on why the UK venture capital industry is segmented by stage;
  • Raise awareness amongst smaller quoted companies of good practices in operating as a publicly quoted company on AIM/PLUS;
  • Research how low levels of liquidity can be tackled;
  • AIM to continue in its monitoring of NOMADs and publish an annual survey that assesses NOMAD’s performance;
  • Ensure that UK parties/industry bodies/government remain central to the debates on EU legislation changes that may affect the ability of SMEs to raise capital cost-effectively; and
  • The report also endorses our call for the European Commission to bring forward its reviews of the Market Abuse and Transparency Directives to ensure that any regulatory changes at the European level do not adversely affect SMEs.

Please click here to download a copy of the report.

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