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Find out more about how we have adapted our work practices in response to COVID-19 here.

We are listening to the challenges our members are facing and are having important conversations with the Government, about how they can support small to mid-sized companies to survive COVID-19. 

Key areas of focus for discussions include:

  • Measures to keep markets functioning for small to mid-sized quoted companies. 
  • Enabling access to finance for small to mid-sized quoted companies. 
  • Providing flexibility for small to mid-sized quoted companies to meet their regulatory and reporting requirements. 

Contact us here to hear more about how we are working on your behalf and let us know about issues your company is facing so we can campaign on your behalf.



We are continuing to commission important insight and evidence to support our conversations on COVID-19. We are currently conducting our bi-annual Sentiment Survey which we have used to track sentiment in the small to mid-sized quoted company segment for over nine years.

This edition of the Sentiment Survey will be particularly important as it will allow us to gain an understanding and communicate how companies have been impacted by COVID-19 and campaign for policies which support the recovery and future growth of small to mid-sized quoted companies. 

Complete the survey here.


Regulatory and market updates

It is almost impossible for companies to keep track of the plethora of daily market and regulatory news and alerts. We are supporting members to stay up to date by sorting through the noise to provide timely updates on what really matters. 

Find the latest regulatory and market updates here.



Bringing experts, investors and companies together to discuss important issues and share learnings, remains an important feature of our work.

Click here to learn more about our upcoming webinars we are hosting and those our expert adviser members are hosting to support companies through COVID-19.

If you would like to advertise an event your organisation is hosting on COVID-19 which you think members would benefit from contact us here.

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