The Q&A with the QCA Investor Forum took place on the 7 June 2017 at the Lord Mayor of London's Mansion House. Company directors from small and mid-cap quoted companies along with their advisors gathered together to exchange views on issues affecting their sector. The event was sponsored by Allenby Capital, Mazars LLP and Winterflood Securities.
Watch our fund manager panel speakers Gervais Williams, Senior Executive Director, Miton Group, Andrew Banks, Senior Investment Manager, JM Finn & Co and James Wood, Corporate Analyst, Winterflood Securities report back on how investment in small and mid-cap companies can be improved.
James Ashton, Business Journalist at The Evening Standard & The Telegraph and Kate Burgess, Corporate Correspondent at The Financial Times discussed how in their opinion companies can communicate better with the press in order to get coverage on their company’s story.
Video produced by BRR Media.