The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is surveying small and mid-size quoted companies, their accountants/auditors and investors on financial disclosures. The IASB is seeking opinions on preparing and using small and mid-size quoted companies annual reports in an effort to try to address concerns that IFRS disclosures are too complex and lengthy.
The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete and is available at:
We often hear from small and mid-size quoted company directors that IFRS is too complex and does not present a clear picture of the accounts. This is your opportunity to let the IASB know your views and get them to take action on this.
The survey will be open until 31 March 2013. Please contact Kate Jalbert at the Quoted Companies Alliance if you have any questions about it.
Please note this survey is specifically for preparers and users of small and mid-size quoted companies' annual reports and their opinions on preparing and using small and mid-cap quoted companies annual reports.