The QCA has published a new and updated version of our Remuneration Committee Guide.
A working group of QCA members featuring company remuneration committee chairs, investor representatives, and remuneration consultants has worked to revise the guide over 2020.
The updated edition takes account of the interests of shareholders, executives, the wider workforce and other stakeholders in small and mid-sized quoted companies. It covers:
- What an effective remuneration committee looks like: Including objectives, responsibilities, and how to evaluate the committee.
- Practical aspects of running a remuneration committee: Including roles, terms of reference, appointment and meetings.
- Remuneration policy: The key principles of remuneration and performance measures.
- Directors’ reporting obligations: Summaries of the legal requirements and Listing/AIM/AQSE rules, as well as QCA recommendations where disclosure isn’t obligatory.
- Communicating with shareholders: Considers voting, gaining shareholder support and practical help such as a timetable for developing a policy in advance of a vote. The QCA Corporate Governance Code principle of a ‘say on pay’ is reinforced and for the first time it is recommended that new share schemes and LTIPs should be put to a shareholder vote.
- Other useful information: Including agenda topics, more detail on disclosure requirements, and links to further information.
We believe this is a great resource, with so much information and guidance all in one place and recommend it to all board members (not only non-execs), investors, and other stakeholders in corporates.
Members of the QCA can download the guide as a pdf for free here.
You will need to log in to our website to access your free copy. If you do not have a login please contact our membership team on 020 7600 3745 or to register an account.
Non-QCA members can purchase a copy here.