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The QCA has conducted a survey of over 500 UK retail investors for their views on small and mid-sized quoted companies. 

See the results here: QCA Retail Investment in Small and Mid-Sized Companies Research Report 2020

The report examines how retail investors:

  • View the markets in the COVID-19 era
  • Conduct research into companies
  • Make investment decisions
  • Use tax incentives
  • Perceive the collapse of the Woodford funds
  • Regard AGMs

Key findings include:

  • UK retail investors are typically resilient and in it for the long-term, taking a measured approach.
  • Two-thirds of retail investors have changed their investment strategies as a result of the impact of the COVID crisis on the economy.
  • Only 5% of retail investors think corporate governance has no impact on share price. It is viewed as having a positive influence on company management and resulting performance.

For companies, there are a number of practical points that they can take away to form part of a strategy to increase retail investor engagement. This includes:

  1. Increasing the company profile to retail investors
  2. Ensuring governance is clearly and transparently communicated
  3. Involving retail investors in IPOs and placings

See the report for more detail on these: QCA Retail Investment in Small and Mid-Sized Companies Research Report 2020

This survey was conducted by YouGov and sponsored by Investor Meet Company.


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