We have published our revised Remuneration Committee Guide for Small and Mid-Size Quoted Companies. This guide is an essential tool for both members of remuneration committees, and those who support them, in setting pay for executive directors and senior management in a fair and reasonable manner.
The Remuneration Committee Guide covers key aspects such as the operational aspects of the committee; the roles and responsibilities of those on the committee and those that work with the committee; factors to consider in setting remuneration policy; communicating with shareholders; and the remuneration report.
Last published in 2012, the Remuneration Committee Guide has been revised and updated to address new remuneration regulations and developments in governance behaviour and best practice. Key changes include:
- A new section providing a high-level explanation of the changes to the legal regime for main market companies that took place in 2013;
- Specific reference made to clawback arrangements;
- Expanding the narrative on the roles and responsibilities of the people involved in the work of the remuneration committee, placing greater emphasis on the role of the remuneration committee chairman;
- Integrating aspects of the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code for Small and Mid-Size Quoted Companies (QCA Code), published in 2013 and of the Audit Committee Guide for Small and Mid-Size Quoted Companies, published in 2014; and
- Expanding the section on communicating with shareholders and creating a new section on the remuneration report, to reflect the increased focus on relations with shareholders.
Members can download their free copy here. Non-members can purchase hard copies and downloadable PDF copies here.
We are holding an event for quoted company directors on the Remuneration Committee Guide for Small and Mid-Size Quoted Companies on Tuesday 13 September 2016 at 4.30pm at Wedlake Bell’s new offices in the City. Click here to book your place.