With executive pay being debated in Government and continuing to make the headlines, we are publishing the Remuneration Committee Guide for Smaller Quoted Companies at the end of February.
It aims to provide practical guidance to smaller quoted companies on how to develop a bespoke, appropriate approach to remuneration. The guide cover the objectives of the remuneration committee, factors to consider in setting remuneration policy, communicating with shareholders, and remuneration committee membership, organisation and functions.
Members will receive one free hard copy of the guide. Copies will be available to purchase from the QCA's website at the end of February, both in PDF and hard copy formats:
- £20 + VAT for the downloadable PDF (£35 + VAT for non-members)
- £25 for the hard copy (£40 for non-members)
Please register your interest in the guide by emailing us and we will be sure to send you a link once it is available for purchase.