Our annual conference, Engineering Growth for Small and Mid-Size Quoted Companies, is taking place this Wednesday 26 June 2013 at The Grange St Paul's Hotel, London.The day will be packed full of sessions that highlight the key issues quoted companies face in the current market and opportunities for growth – with policymakers, regulators, market players and investors speaking and leading the discussion.
If you are unable to attend, you can still take part in discussion and follow what is happening on the day. We will be tweeting throughout the event (@quotedcompanies) and encourage you to take part in the debate and send us your questions and comments using #QCAconference. You can also email through any questions you want to ask at the event to Kate Jalbert.
We will also be live streaming video interviews of attendees with their reactions to the panel sessions – click here to access these videos on the day.
And, shortly following the event, we will be publishing videos of all the panel sessions on our YouTube channel.