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The Quoted Companies Alliance, the independent membership organisation that champions the interests of small to mid-size quoted companies, welcomes HM Treasury’s consultation issued today on its proposal for changing the Individual Savings Account (ISA) rules to expand the range of shares that are eligible to be held in a stocks and shares ISA. This would include shares traded on small and medium-sized enterprise equity markets, such as AIM and ICAP Securities and Derivatives Exchange (ISDX).

Tim Ward, Chief Executive of the Quoted Companies Alliance, comments:

“The Quoted Companies Alliance has been actively campaigning for the inclusion of AIM and ISDX shares in ISAs for some time and welcomes this consultation. This is all about growth. This initiative will provide fuel for the engines of growth. Investing in small and mid-size quoted companies means backing UK growth companies. However, the Government should use the Budget to deliver a further boost to SME growth through incentivising investment by removing the 5% shareholding requirement on Entrepreneurs’ Relief and abolishing stamp duty on all growth market transactions.”

Click here to download the release (pdf)

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