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Our Legal and Corporate Finance Expert Groups have prepared the Quoted Companies Alliance's proposals to amend the Prospectus Directive, ahead of the European Commission's 2015 Consultation on the Prospectus Directive. Our proposals are designed to help small and mid-size quoted companies to raise finance more efficiently and effectively, whilst ensuring a high-level of investor protection, and include:

  1. Introducing the concept of an IPO and Secondary Public Offer in the Prospectus Directive
  2. Creating a Proportionate Prospectus for Secondary Public Offers on regulated markets
  3. Ensuring that the Proportionate Prospectus for Secondary Offers applies to all types of secondary public offer
  4. Addressing the process of the national competent authority approving a prospectus
  5. Increasing the thresholds under which a prospectus does not have to be produced
  6. Exempting offers carried out under the Takeover Regime from the prospectus regime
  7. Creating a specfic prospectus regime for SME Growth Markets

Click here to download the QCA Prospectus Directive Proposals – February 2015 (pdf)

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